- Extremely smooth surface which makes sure chalk and other contaminants can be easily removed, without leaving any “shadowing” of the contaminants, which is typical for other Phenolic resin Balls.
- Less “bad contacts” or “Buttages”.
- Very strict tolerances, which are the most stringent in the billiards industry.
- Whereas other brands charge extra for selected sets with minimal weight-differences, we at Dyna|spheres™ feel this should be “standard issue”; the maximum weight – deviation within 1 set is 1,5 gram/ball over our complete range.
- Belgian Design, Belgian Quality Control, Belgian Distribution, Belgian Customer Service!

Torbjörn Blomdahl 7x 3-Cushion World Champion

Eddy Merckx 2x 3-Cushion World Champion

Florian "Venom" KohlerTrickshot Artist

Vinh Bao 3-Cushion World Champion

Martin HornWinner of 3C World Cups

Nikos PolychronopoulosEuropean Junior 3C Champion

Murat TuzulProfessional 3C player

Dave ChristianiEuropean Champion Carom Classic

Zhongyao Wang Referee

Marc Verhoevenmaster table-fitter

Frank Bazoudbilliards-afficionado

Richard Bitalis11x French 3C champion

Yu-Wen HsiehProfessional pool player
Next Gen Phenolic Resin Balls
Whereas other brands charge extra for selected sets with minimal weight-differences, we at Dynaspheres feel this should be “standard issue”; the maximum weight – deviation within 1 set is 1,0 gram/ball over our complete range.