It has been a year since Start Billiards– a brand of Start Fabrika – and Dynaspheres started their partnership. In October 2020, Start Fabrika became Dynaspheres’ exclusive distributor for the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Armenia and Turkmenistan.
In co-operation, Start Billiards and Dynaspheres manufactured four new sets for the “Russian Pyramid” billiards game
Furthermore, Start Billiards can offer all sets in the Dynaspheres range, like Dynaspheres Pool Bronze, Dynaspheres Snooker Silver and many more. You can find them all here.

- Dynaspheres Pyramid Prime: 67mm phenolic resin ball with red or yellow cueball
- Dynaspheres Pyramid Prime 68mm resin ball with red or yellow cue ball
- Dynaspheres Pool Bronze
- Dynaspheres Pool Thungsten
- Dynaspheres Snooker Silver
To promote these sets, Start Fabrika is working together with professional billiard players, like Iosif Abramov, Semen Zaytsev and Yuri Panshinsky.

Listen here what they have to say about the Dynaspheres balls.
As a professional, I have clear expectations for billiard equipment. The Dynaspheres balls more than meet my requirements. To strike a billiards ball and keep it under control, the ball must be made of phenol resin. Dynaspheres’ resin balls have a uniform structure, uniform color and a perfectly smooth surface. Due to the resilience of the resin, the ball balances well, and the rebound exact as can be. The advantage of these balls is their high resistance to burn spots, which will save your billiard cloth. The strikes of professional athletes are serious tests of the product. Believe me, Dynaspheres balls aces them all and they last for a long time. Dynaspheres’ latest production technologies make billiard balls of the highest quality. I think that their balls are the best offer on the market. They are exclusively represented by Start Fabrika in Russia and the CIS countries. Now everyone has the opportunity to appreciate the Belgian quality standard and modern design!
– Iosif Ambrambov
“As a professional, I know billiard balls are an important part of the game. The quality of the game depends on the quality of the balls. And the main indicator of quality is the material. Dynaspheres balls are made of phenolic resin, therefore it gives impeccable balance and perfect centering. I have complete control over the movement of the ball during the game. These balls are made using a unique, patented new technology. I can say for sure that Dynaspheres has released a product that surpasses everything that is on the billiards market in terms of game characteristics. I am sincerely pleased that billiards can go to a new level. You will also appreciate the Belgian quality standard and modern design!”
– Semen Zaytsev

At last, back in August, Start Fabrika sponsored the World Record event, organized by The Russian Book of Records on Mount Elbrus. Using the Dynaspheres balls, Yuri Panshinsky set a world record playing billiards at an altitude of 4320 meters. Never has a billiard table been raised so high… and Dynaspheres was part of this historic event.